Well morning has broken and Im still no nearing understanding this blog thingy. Once I do though watch out Ive got a lot to say! So good morning campers and todays interesting fact is about manual expression. No that isnt something on your face.
As yet I dont know how to do links on here so Im just going to post the url here: http://www.lactationinstitute.org/MANUALEX.html
Has anyone had experience of using the manual 'MARMET TECHNIQUE' and has it worked for you?
And I quote:-
The Marmet Technique of manual expression and assisting the milk ejection reflex (sometimes called the let-down reflex) has worked for hundreds of mothers - in a way that nothing has before. Even experienced breastfeeding mothers who have been able to hand express will find that this method produces more milk. Mothers who have previously been able to express only a small amount, or none at all, get excellent results with this technique.
I get the impression its more effective once youve started giving milk?
This stuff drives me bonkers, surely amazing breasts like mine should just have a tap you turn at the side.
Is that MILK with your coffee sir :)
Yes, yes I promise to stop larking about soon!
hi Cheshire Kat. Lovely to talk to you this morning but very sad not to be able to see you. My fault for not giving you enough warning - I promise to be more organised. I will bookmark your blog and look forward to reading more about your lovely tits and not to mention the chance to kiss them and play with them again. Have a lovely day. A xxx
I've heard of it but I've never actually tried it. It would be hard, especially for me as a man, to know if I was even doing it right unless the woman were lactating.
Oh, question: if you've tried this, what was your experience with it? Did you get it to properly stimulate the reflex or proper feelings, despite the lack of milk? (or with it, if you had it)
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