Ive just read the most comprehensive guide on lactation and I desperately want to share the info, but as yet being the new kid on the block Im unsure as to the etiquette of sharing such information word for word.
The post talks about, pumps and nipple cream, pads so you dont leak milk on your clothes its all so sexy.
One school of thought is to use drugs to speed up the process the second is to use herbs. This whole thing does have a mystic element to it, well at least it feels as if it does.
If someone could wave a magic wand now, what I would wish for is the time and money to pump 3/4 times a day, or even better have you suckle at my breast, so that I could milk. Imagine how wonderful you would feel, its supposed to promote a real sense of well being, give you as the feeder a sense of confidence. I love strong men, I will freely admit to getting quite jealous of your biceps and though I have strong thighs they arent ever going to be as full at the base as yours.
Anyway I digress, next week I hope to have had the odd blogging lesson which should help me add links etc and make this thing a whole lot more interesting. Till then, whom so ever reads this understand I am thinking of your lips on my soft skin and it makes my spine tingle!
When we've tried before my wife got addicted to being either pumped or nursed on a schedule. She's looking forward to our next attempt. Hope you enjoy it as much.
Also, the time is always harder than the money. Especially on a schedule.
My lips on your soft skin eh? Sounds delightful. And better yet if it would yield nourishment.
Machado clollie (why a border collie? Bucouse I'm playful and smart)
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