A note, Im afraid I have been to the doctors and diagnosed with Shingles, this means for most of the time Im in excruciating pain and unable to keep up with my blog. So hold on my darlings and I hope to be back soon.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Morning Campers

Firstly I must apologise for not writing yesterday, I was snowed, in, under, over...anyway. Tonight my friend is going to help me get the hang of this whole blogging doodley thing, so that perhaps you wont have to register to reply, which I know is putting people off replying or leaving comments.
At present my breasts are twice their normal size and tender because its that time of the month. My breasts are so large I can actually lick and suck myself and sometimes I do. They taste milky even without milking which is a good sign apparently.
I read yet another article on a great website about lacation and it explained more about how grounded, my breastfeeding you, would make you feel. How my milk nourishes your body and bring us both a feeling of contentment. Apparently it can cure depression or at least relieve it.
The last time I thought I was going to milk, my then partner suckled for hours my nipples were bright red and almost raw, they looked amazing and engorged. They didnt go down for at least a day after!
I bought my first nursing bra at the weekend and imagined unzipping the cup and letting my huge tit fall into your open needy mouth. It is of course white and a little lacy which is nice. Can you imagine nervously undoing my white blouse and slipping your hand in....
Well I have to go now, as ever I encourage you to share your thoughts and if youve ever suckled before.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
How to Lactate and if wishes were horses

Ive just read the most comprehensive guide on lactation and I desperately want to share the info, but as yet being the new kid on the block Im unsure as to the etiquette of sharing such information word for word.
The post talks about, pumps and nipple cream, pads so you dont leak milk on your clothes its all so sexy.
One school of thought is to use drugs to speed up the process the second is to use herbs. This whole thing does have a mystic element to it, well at least it feels as if it does.
If someone could wave a magic wand now, what I would wish for is the time and money to pump 3/4 times a day, or even better have you suckle at my breast, so that I could milk. Imagine how wonderful you would feel, its supposed to promote a real sense of well being, give you as the feeder a sense of confidence. I love strong men, I will freely admit to getting quite jealous of your biceps and though I have strong thighs they arent ever going to be as full at the base as yours.
Anyway I digress, next week I hope to have had the odd blogging lesson which should help me add links etc and make this thing a whole lot more interesting. Till then, whom so ever reads this understand I am thinking of your lips on my soft skin and it makes my spine tingle!
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Morning Milky Wonders

Well morning has broken and Im still no nearing understanding this blog thingy. Once I do though watch out Ive got a lot to say! So good morning campers and todays interesting fact is about manual expression. No that isnt something on your face.
As yet I dont know how to do links on here so Im just going to post the url here: http://www.lactationinstitute.org/MANUALEX.html
Has anyone had experience of using the manual 'MARMET TECHNIQUE' and has it worked for you?
And I quote:-
The Marmet Technique of manual expression and assisting the milk ejection reflex (sometimes called the let-down reflex) has worked for hundreds of mothers - in a way that nothing has before. Even experienced breastfeeding mothers who have been able to hand express will find that this method produces more milk. Mothers who have previously been able to express only a small amount, or none at all, get excellent results with this technique.
I get the impression its more effective once youve started giving milk?
This stuff drives me bonkers, surely amazing breasts like mine should just have a tap you turn at the side.
Is that MILK with your coffee sir :)
Yes, yes I promise to stop larking about soon!
Friday, March 23, 2007
Welcome to my blog

Well here I am Ive arrived a bit late in the blogging calendar, but better late than boring : ) My blog is a chance for us to discuss induced lactation, which is when a girl who isnt pregnant can produce milk to breastfeed, as part of a loving relationship.
Im interested in your experiences and Im looking to start lactating myself. This may be a bit up front but why not, I mean after all I have ARRIVED! Now the question is are you ready to jump on board?
I have to go out now, so please friends, romans, countrymen lend me your interest, news, thoughts, desires and lets shake this blogging town up a bit.
CheshireKat (why because Im always smiling : ) I hope you are too
My New Blog/Milky chat
Well as yet although I have friends who are into this for one reason or another they havent as yet post their ideas.
So Ill start, why am I interested in induced lactation? Because holding a fully grown man, twice my size, as I am petite to my breast as he sucks urgently on my engorged tit is the most erotic thing I have ever experienced.
Stroking your hair whilst you suckle, the warm wet touch of your firm lips, actually feeding you till you are full, knowing its good for your body. I just love it!
Please write to me about how you feel if you have fed before.
Well as yet although I have friends who are into this for one reason or another they havent as yet post their ideas.
So Ill start, why am I interested in induced lactation? Because holding a fully grown man, twice my size, as I am petite to my breast as he sucks urgently on my engorged tit is the most erotic thing I have ever experienced.
Stroking your hair whilst you suckle, the warm wet touch of your firm lips, actually feeding you till you are full, knowing its good for your body. I just love it!
Please write to me about how you feel if you have fed before.
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