I havent written for ages, needless to say I STILL havent found my milky partner, Ive come close 100 times but theres always an issue of time, distance, etc.
My biggest disappointment was I contact by a gynecologyst out of the blue, offering to help me milk faster with breast massage lessons and drugs. Like alot of others he was just after titilation..lol. Im not even sure he was a real Gyne?
His suggestion was of great interest it was to have a hormonal injection which mimiced your bodys reaction after birth, increasing and speeding up the chance of lactation. After weeks of talking he just disappeared we'd just been talking online.
Also over all these years I have tried to get pregnant and no luck there either, but I still have the lust and passion to do this. Truth be told Im more into breastfeeding a grown man than a baby.
Well if only I could find a Gyne to help me, I could do what I dream of set up as an adults wet nurse, just the name makes me wet.
If anyone has any ideas how I could get more people to get involved with this blog Id be grateful, it would be more fun if it wasnt just my thoughts and ideas. Other than that Im fine, I hope to add to this more often!
I don't believe medical science has mastered induction of lactation. It's very experimental at best.
You are a beautiful person and I very much enjoy reading your blog.
Thanks Mummy!
Hello, i'd love to chat about your passions of breastfeeding please get back to me at chevytazsc78@yahoo.com an i'd love to chat about my passions of breastfeeding.
Id be more than happy to help get that milk out. 27 years old from Connecticut. Email me sometime 11nova@live.com. The names Mike :)
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