I get notices that I have had comments on here but Ill be buggered if I can find them..lol. So I post on Land of Milk and Honey to find an ANR partner. I got loads of replies mostly well no actuall all time wasters. What tends to happen is after initial contact and a chat, they stop at one of my requests, so if they send a photo, they wont send a contact number if they send a contact number they wont arrange a date to meet. Its all so stupid because people on that site complain there are no really women well believe me there are no real men. Then a guy contact me from there who started threatening me a real nut job, I told my BF whose reaction eventually was to stop talking to me (well hes not into ANR and I think he thought if someone was contacting me for any reason it made him vulnerable? I dont know, of course I didnt explain I was looking for ANR).
So Im single again, I have no idea how I could find a partner, this city is huge but it seems impossible so I may have to give up my dream and move on.
I wish I had better news but thats where I am right now. Oh and as you can see Ive caught the sun :-)